Лаборатория Каротиновых Вампиров Apps

Carrot Factor 2.2
With this multiplication game you can:* Learn the multiplication table* Check your knowledge* Compare your multiplication skills with friendsIn gaming mode "Practice" the player is offered examples ofmultiplication tables in accordance with the open level and fourpossible answers. A player gets points for each correct answer. Thenumber of points decreases for every wrong. Once a player hasreceived the required number of points - it changes to mode "Rank".It offers examples of the multiplication tables without answers.The player must correctly answer all of the proposed examples.After this "Practice" mode is opened with the next level. If theplayer incorrectly answers the proposed example - "Practice" modeopens with the current level.In gaming mode "Race" the player is offered examples ofmultiplication tables with choice answers. With the rapid selectingthe right answers bonus factor (или coefficient) is charged to thepoints. The race is stopped at the end of one minute and the playeris given the statistics of the race.Play! Multiply! Compare your knowledge of the multiplication tablewith your friends!